Resolve Divorce Disputes without Litigation
Collaborative law, also known as collaborative divorce in Massachusetts, is a voluntary process and an alternative to traditional litigation for couples seeking to get divorced. The collaborative divorce process differs in a variety of ways from mediation or litigation and can be considered a middle-ground option. With collaborative divorce, the couple commits to solving their issues out of court. All parties sign an agreement to negotiate in good faith, disclose all relevant information, and commit to settling the issue out of court. This commitment to resolving their issues without court interference can serve as a motivating factor for the couple to work cooperatively and make the collaborative process work.
Benefits of Collaborative Divorce:
- Each party is represented by collaborative attorneys:
In collaborative law, each party has its own collaboratively trained attorney. The collaborative law option may be more appropriate for those who need more guidance and advocacy throughout the process and have complex legal and financial issues that require representation and expert evaluation.
- More efficient than litigation: With collaborative law the couple works with a team of collaboratively trained professionals, including attorneys, divorce coaches, and financial professionals to achieve an agreement and resolve all issues that generally arise in divorce cases. The collaborative law process has the benefit of being cost-efficient for the couple by assigning all the necessary tasks to specialized professionals without duplicating efforts which reduces costs for the parties. In collaborative divorce practice, the parties have greater control over the timeframe and schedule, and the team works collaboratively to get things done and helps keep the process on track to reach a resolution in a timely manner.
- Less expensive than litigation:
Collaborative divorce is generally less expensive than going through a litigious divorce, as agreements are typically reached faster than going to court. The parties also do not waste time or legal fees waiting in Court with multiple court hearings.
- Less Stressful and Adversarial:
Collaborative divorce focuses on problem-solving, and cooperation driven by a shared goal to find a resolution without making the process longer than it needs to be. Collaborative divorce often enables couples to continue communicating with one another after the divorce, encouraging them to work together in the future, which is especially important when children are involved, and parties will continue to co-parent.
- Greater control over each decision and agreement:
The parties play an active role in crafting an agreement that works for them and their family. In this process, your interests and goals are an integral part of the process every step of the way.
- Privacy: Divorcing couples are allowed to resolve their disputes privately in a confidential setting instead of an open courtroom.
Moniz Law & Mediation, PC is here to help resolve any of your divorce and family law matters through Collaborative Law. Call us at 781-593-4600
today and schedule a FREE initial consultation.